Summer Classes
Early Session Waunakee: June 18 – July 9
Late Session Waunakee: July 23 – August 13
ages newborn - 2
In Foundations, grownups and their babies engage in instrument play, dance, exploration time and together time. It is an energetic and joyful celebration of the very young child’s growing new movement and language skills. You’ll also receive expert advice and parenting resources based on the most recent research in early childhood development. Welcome to the magic time of life, that all-too-fleeting first chapter when miracles happen daily!
Tuesdays at 10:15 AM
Early Session Waunakee: June 18 – July 9
Late Session Waunakee: July 23 – August 13
Rain or Shine!
Cost: $96 Total
Structure: 4 Weekly 45-Min Classes
Size: Up to 10 children and their parents (Classes MUST have 5 students enrolled to form)
Length: 45 minutes (parent/caregiver attends entire class.)
Location: First Presbyterian Church, Waunakee
Materials include: Rain Stick | Kindermusik Online
Level 2
Ages 2-4
L2 is a music-filled class that celebrates the unique joys of the growing child. It features a mix of activities for grownups and children that includes singing, dancing, and exploring and playing instruments. Children will get to practice their active listening, turn-taking, and social skills, as well as develop their gross- and fine-motor skills. Parents and caregivers will also get tips and ideas for using music throughout the week, taking the learning and fun home.
Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
Early Session Waunakee: June 18 – July 9
Late Session Waunakee: July 23 – August 13
Pet Parade
Cost: $96 Total
Structure: 4 Weekly 45-Min Classes
Size: No more than 10 children with parents (Classes MUST have 5 students enrolled to form)
Length: 45 minutes (parent/caregiver attends entire class.)
Location: First Presbyterian Church, Waunakee
Materials include: Animal Shaker | Weekly Craft | Kindermusik Online
Family Time
Ages Newborn-7
Sometimes, the best learning happens when we’re all together. Mixed age classes allow families with siblings, friend groups, and anyone who’s drawn to the time slot to attend. Educators accommodate powerful and enjoyable music and movement activities for all stages of development, so that everyone is comfortable, engaged, and learning!
Tuesdays at 5:30 PM
Early Session Waunakee: June 18 – July 9
Late Session Waunakee: July 23 – August 13
Pet Parade
Cost: $168 per Family (up to 2 children) (($5 per additional child))
Structure: 4 Weekly 45-Min Classes
Size: No more than 10 children with parents (Classes MUST have 5 students enrolled to form)
Length: 45 minutes (parent/caregiver attends entire class.)
Location: First Presbyterian Church, Waunakee
Materials include: Animal Shaker | Weekly Craft | Kindermusik Online