Kindermusik Foundations in Mazomanie

Kindermusik Foundations in Mazomanie



In Foundations, grownups and their babies engage in instrument play, dance, exploration time and together time. It is an energetic and joyful celebration of the very young child’s growing new movement and language skills. You’ll also receive expert advice and parenting resources based on the most recent research in early childhood development. Welcome to the magic time of life, that all-too-fleeting first chapter when miracles happen daily!


  • Click the PayPal button to enter your credit card information. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a payment.

  • IMPORTANT: If you are signing up for automatic monthly payments, download and complete this payment authorization form and bring it to the first class or mail to: Musical Pathways Foundation, 5579 Easy St, Waunakee, WI 53597

Class Times

Monday, February 3rd at 9:00 AM

Monday, February 10th at 9:00 AM

Monday, February 17th at 9:00 AM

Monday, February 24th at 9:00 AM

(Class times MUST have 5 students enrolled to form)

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